On what aspects of college application do you consult?
Pretty much everything. Many families start with a joint session with parents and the student. I explain the process, requirements, and timeline to the family. We then decide on a schedule and what level of involvement they want me to have. Sometimes, I just set a list of tasks and the student completes them the comes back with questions and to understand the next steps of the process. In other cases, I sit with the student to assist with every application, detailed essay planning and revision, and walk him or her through each of the accounts and emails from each potential college.
When should I start the college application process?
Most, if not all, of the work on college applications should be completed during the summer between 11th and 12th grade. With diligence, it is possible to be completely finished before the first day of your senior year. The earliest deadlines occur in November, but it is wise to apply as early as possible.
What if I still want to try for higher SAT or ACT scores?
You can submit all other components of your application first. You may choose to send the scores you have and resubmit your future scores if they are higher. All schools take the highest scores submitted.
What can I do now to make the process easier?
Take high level classes, do your best, and make the highest grades possible. Also, you can start a notebook or file to record ALL your extracurricular activities including jobs, babysitting, volunteer work, mission trips, and whatever else you do or win. Having all this in one place makes building a resume or completing an application much quicker and less stressful.